Meg Hargreaves

Meg Hargreaves's Fundraiser

Together we can make a real difference.   image

Together we can make a real difference.

Join me and help make a difference, please give today.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$0 towards $1,000

Join me in supporting real change. Let’s support good in the world and make a difference. Help us for Bridges to Community, Inc.

On January 20-27, 2024 I am joining a group of professionals who will travel to the Dominican Republic to spend the week building a home for a family living in extreme poverty. Many of you know that I've volunteered with Bridges before, building homes in Nicaragua.

We will be working in Gajo Largo, an agrarian community of roughly 1,500 people located in a remote area of the Dominican Republic (far from the tourist beaches, near the Haitian border). This community is in desperate need of improved housing. Many residents live in substandard housing with dirt floors, rotting wood walls and collapsing roofs. A new, solid and weatherproof house can drastically improve the health and safety of a family, as well as contribute to boosting morale and pride in the community.
During your week in the DR, we will complete most of the construction of a new home for a family: pouring concrete foundations and reinforced concrete columns, building sturdy cinderblock walls, and attaching a proper roof. With a sealed cement floor instead of dirt beneath their feet, children and parents won't get sick so often. With doors and windows that lock, family members can go to work and school without worrying about theft. For the family who gets a new home, it changes absolutely positively everything.
While we pay our way to and from the DR, we are raising funds to cover building supplies required for construction. Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for Bridges to Community, Inc.

Thank you!